October 31, 2012

Let me introduce Jack and George!

Jack and George are our new kittens! Well we've had them almost 3 months now. 
This is a picture of them before they moved in...
...aren't they the cutest?!!

This is them once they'd settled in here; exploring the porch...
They do a lot of things together...

...and this is them just a few days ago...

They are adorable, a serious handful, but adorable nonetheless. 
They are now 5 months and 10 days old and having VERY different characters. 

George (the tabby) is a little skittish and quite contrary at times, he is like a little Prince at times. He is only just finding his voice too, doesn't really meow much and tends to only purr for Ethan; he is obsessed with Ethan!!
 Jack (black) on the other hand is your average, stand alone 'moggy'! He is easily pleased in all aspects of his life so far.  He's a big of a goofball too.  He doesn't think things through very well before he does anything which usually ends in a clatter and bang and him bolting at 50 M.P.H out of a room and scaring the life outta George on the way...LOL!

There will be lots more 'kitty' updates and pictures.